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Microsoft announces the end of Visual Basic

Microsoft said that Visual Basic support is on .NET 5.0. It also said that no new features added or the evolution of Visual Basic stop.

.NET team wrote in a post to the Microsoft DevBlogs.
Visual Basic will support Class Library, Console, Windows Forms, WPF, Worker Service, and ASP.NET Core Web API on .NET 5.

According to Paul Thurrott from, Microsoft announces last 2017 that its original C# and Visual Basic co-development strategy was over. This is a very sad day for all developers still using this language encloding me.

Nothing to worry, according to .NET Team that it will remain supported as long as Windows is supported because it is shipped with the OS.

If the features of your application are available in the list above, you can still be using the  .Net framework.

Like me as a .NET developer, this news calls my attention because if Microsoft stops the framework features and it is no longer available in programming, all developers need to migrate to other languages and it is difficult for every developer. Software programmed with visual basic and running in big companies, I think this is a big problem and need an immediate plan.

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